Cheat Mode: During Game Play,Pause the Game by pressing "ESC" button,then type the following cheat codes. Code: Result: RKOWEAPONS - All Game Weapons RKOGOD - God Mode RKOKICK - God's Kick RKOPUNCH - GOD's Punch RKOAMMO - Unlimited ammo RKOARMOUR - Unlimited Armour RKOSTAMINA - Unlimited Stamina Play Any Chapter: To play any Chapter,Pause the Game and Go to Chapter Screen then Type "RKOCHAPTER" (without " "),A menu containg Chapters NO. will appear. Now you can Choose any chapter you want to play by going on desired Chapter No. and then Pressing "ENTER". Mini-games: To unlock the mini-games, successfully complete the game under any difficulty setting. Fight people without guns: To defeat people that do not have guns easier, keep blocking and dodging. If you do not dodge, you will still get hurt. When you are in the prison, you will learn how to reverse a grab. This allows you to avoid getting hurt when they grab you. When you reverse the grab, you will throw their arms in the air. This will leave them open to attack (punch, kick, grab, etc.). However, they can still block. Unlimited ammunition: At the beginning of the training, after you blow the men up with the canister, switch weapons to your pistol. You can shoot with out running out of ammunition. Training: Unlimited ammunition At the beginning of the training, after you blow the men up with the canister, switch weapons to your pistol. You can shoot with out running out of ammunition. Defeating people without guns: To defeat people that do not have guns easier, keep blocking and dodging. If you do not dodge, you will still get hurt. When you are in the prison, you will learn how to reverse a grab. This allows you to avoid getting hurt when they grab you. When you reverse the grab, you will throw their arms in the air. This will leave them open to attack (punch, kick, grab, etc.). However, they can still block.